Grace-Westminster is organized with a new church structure as of September 2009. We are using a “streamlined” board structure with an Official Board that meets 6-8 times per year to provide vision and oversee the work of our teams.
We have an Administration Team which has responsibilities for the finances of the church and the maintenance and repair of the property of the congregation.
Our Human Resources team oversees all the paid staff and the volunteers who minister in the congregation.
Our Pastoral Care Team does visitation to shut-ins and people in hospital, hosts Newcomers and Visitors Sunday and the Easter Breakfast.
Our Spiritual Nurture Faith Formation Team plans educational events, organizes the Annual “Adventivity” which is a celebration of Advent for people of all ages and hosts other fellowship events for the congregation.
If you have leadership skills you would like to offer, our Human Resources Team would be happy to meet you to discern where your gifts could best serve our church!